Sperm donor fathers 550 kids by misleading women around the globe, sued


After being charged with fathering more than 550 children, a serial sperm donor has been called to appear in court. Jonathan Jacob Meijer, 41, a Hague resident who is suspected of deceiving hundreds of women, will show up in court in the Netherlands in April.

To prevent Meijer from providing any further sperm donations, the Donorkind Foundation filed a lawsuit. In 2017, the Dutch Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology issued a warning regarding Meijer.

He had donated sperm at 10 clinics, but by that time, he had fathered about 102 children in the Netherlands. When he was later put on the blacklist in his native nation, he had no choice but to donate sperm abroad.

Eva, a Dutch lady who gave birth to a kid in 2018 that was conceived with Meijer’s sperm, claimed she felt nauseous thinking about the effects Jonathan’s behavior will have on her child.

She uttered: “If I had known he had already fathered more than 100 children I would never have chosen him.

“If I think about the consequences this could have for my child I am sick to my stomach.

“Many mothers have told him he needs to stop but nothing helps. So going to court is the only option. I have to protect my child.”

She and the Donorkind Foundation are hoping that their legal battle will force Meijer’s stored sperm to be destroyed. The Donorkind Foundation’s chairman, Ties van der Meer, said: “Since the national government is not acting, we are taking action against this man.

“He has a global reach via the internet and he does business with large, international sperm banks.”

Meijer had violated a promise to have no more than 25 children, according to the foundation’s attorney Mark de Hek. Officials in the Netherlands have recently modified the rule to limit sperm donations to no more than 12 women.

According to accounts, Meijer is a musician who lives in Kenya. His 4,460-subscriber YouTube channel has the following tagline: “Crypto, dividend investing, precious metals.”

As of the time of writing, the title of his most recent video was “Raw milk is life.” According to reports, offspring of serial sperm donors may experience mental health issues if they learn they have a large number of half-siblings because they may worry about incest and inbreeding.

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