Six countries not invited to Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral – Here’s the complete list

Six countries not invited to Queen Elizabeth II's funeral - See the complete list

The UK will mark the glorious life and legacy of Queen Elizabeth II at her state funeral on Monday. The Queen breathed her last on September 9. Notably, ever since her death the Royal Family and the people of the UK have been mourning.

The Queen’s funeral is the first state funeral in the UK since Winston Churchill’s in 1965. A state funeral means that the UK Government has officially declared the day of the funeral as a bank holiday. Many guests ranging from political heads of countries to distinct royal family members and dignitaries from across the globe will fly to the UK for the funeral.

While the invitations have been sent to all world leaders, six countries were excluded from the list

Reportedly, Russia, Belarus, Myanmar, Venezuela, Syria, and Afghanistan will not be receiving any invitation to the royal funeral. The step was taken considering the current political situation and the relationship that the UK shares with these nations. 

According to an online publication, Russian President Vladimir Putin wished King Charles III on his accession recently. However, the country was still snubbed by the UK as they reportedly didn’t get an invite to the Queen’s funeral. It’s also interesting to note here that North Korea, Iran, and Nicaragua were sent invites however those were only sent out to their ambassadorial representatives and not the head of state.

When it comes to Syria and Venezuela, the UK has no diplomatic relations with both these nations while Afghanistan and Syria were excluded after considering current political situations. 

Several world leaders have already confirmed their attendance at the royal funeral

Most of the Queen’s family is expected to be present. According to the New York Post, the list includes the closest family members of the Queen like King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla Parker Bowles, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Prince William and Kate Middleton, Queen’s daughter Princess Anne and Sir Timothy Laurence, Prince Andrew and Sarah, and Prince Edward and Sophie.

Several world leaders have already confirmed their attendance at the royal funeral of the Queen. Moreover, United States President Joe Biden, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, and France’s Emmanuel Macron all will travel to the UK. (  

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