Shocking medical case: Doctors extract massive two-pound hairball from woman’s stomach

Shocking medical case: Doctors extract massive two-pound hairball from woman's stomach

Ecuador –In a remarkable medical feat, doctors at Verdi Cevallos Balda General Hospital successfully removed a massive two-pound hairball from the stomach of a 24-year-old woman, alleviating her from years of severe pain and discomfort. This extraordinary operation has shed light on a rare and distressing condition.

The painful journey

The woman had been enduring excruciating stomach pain and frequent vomiting for two years before seeking medical help. Upon examination, doctors discovered a large mass in her stomach that could be felt from the outside. The surgical team, led by Dr. Pedro Lovato, conducted a 45-minute operation to extract the hairball, which measured 16 inches in length.

How did it happen?

The medical team published a detailed report on this unique case. The hairball, known medically as a bezoar, had been lodged in the woman’s stomach for at least two years. This accumulation led to severe symptoms, including an inability to ingest food and liquids properly, resulting in significant weight loss.

Understanding bezoars

Bezoars are masses of foreign material that become trapped in the digestive tract. In this case, the bezoar was primarily composed of hair, a condition often associated with trichophagia—a psychological disorder where individuals consume hair. The hairball had grown so large that it had begun to enter the woman’s intestines, posing a serious threat to her health.

Dr. Lovato described the hairball as “a mass that occupied the entire gastric cavity and could even be identified by touch from the outside.” The timely surgery was crucial in preventing life-threatening starvation and potentially severe injuries to the stomach.

Although the report did not specify the exact reason for the woman’s hair ingestion, it was noted that she had been diagnosed with a “psychoemotional” ailment. This diagnosis is often linked to conditions like trichophagia, where hair swallowing occurs unintentionally.

Post-operative care

Following the successful surgery, the woman was discharged from the hospital and is now receiving comprehensive follow-up care to address her underlying condition and prevent future occurrences.

This astonishing case highlights the importance of timely medical intervention and sheds light on the serious complications that can arise from rare psychological disorders.

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