Scientists discover new blood group, solving 50-year mystery

Scientists discover new blood group, solving 50-year mystery

Groundbreaking Discovery Could Save Thousands of Lives Worldwide

After decades of research, scientists at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) in South Gloucestershire have identified a new blood group system called MAL. This discovery, which resolves a 50-year-old mystery, could improve care for patients worldwide, particularly those who face complications from blood transfusions due to rare blood types.

Unraveling the mystery of the AnWj antigen

The research team uncovered the genetic basis of the AnWj blood group antigen, first discovered in 1972 but not fully understood until now. Through genetic testing, NHSBT’s International Blood Group Reference Laboratory in Filton developed a world-first test that can identify patients who lack this antigen, providing a crucial tool for ensuring safer blood transfusions. This breakthrough is expected to benefit hundreds of patients globally each year.

A lifesaving test for rare blood types

Louise Tilley, a senior research scientist at NHSBT, emphasized the significance of the discovery, noting that it will allow doctors to better care for rare patients. “It’s quite difficult to put a number on how many people will benefit,” she told the BBC, but NHSBT is the last resort for around 400 patients annually. The test, she explained, could be a lifesaver for those who would otherwise react adversely to a blood transfusion.

Personal stories highlight the impact

Philip Brown, a leukemia survivor who underwent blood transfusions and a bone marrow transplant, underscored the importance of the discovery. “Anything we can do to make our blood much safer and a better match for patients is a definite step in the right direction,” Brown said.

NHSBT’s head of the laboratory, Nicole Thornton, described the process of resolving the genetic basis for AnWj as one of the team’s most challenging projects. “There is so much work that goes into proving that a gene does actually encode a blood group antigen, but it is what we are passionate about, making these discoveries for the benefit of rare patients around the world.

“Now genotyping tests can be designed to identify genetically AnWj-negative patients and donors.

“Such tests can be added to the existing genotyping platforms.”

Global significance of the discovery

Health reporter Matthew Hill highlighted the international impact of the breakthrough, stating that it’s “easy to understate the international significance” of NHSBT’s work.

“Not only have they developed this world-first test, but also they provide countries across the world with antibodies to allow them to carry out research.

“They are from reference labs in other countries who have already done a lot of work and have got to the point where they have reached their limit of what they can do and then they send their samples to NHSBT,” he said.

This discovery represents a major milestone in blood transfusion safety, offering hope to patients with rare blood types and improving global healthcare outcomes.

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