As per speculations, Vladimir Putin may be suffering from “roid rage” as a result of steroid treatment for cancer.
The 69-year-old despot’s “bloated face and neck” could be side effects of long-term steroid use. But intelligence sources say he could also be suffering from dementia or Parkinson’s disease. As a result of his appearance, Putin’s health has become a topic of discussion in recent months.
Experts believe the Covid-19 outbreak has thrown Vladimir Putin’s mental health into disarray. It triggered paranoia that led to the invasion of Ukraine.
The intelligence community is sharing an increasing number of complaints concerning 69-year-old Putin’s “increasingly erratic behavior”. The changes also include his fat appearance in recent footage and the ludicrous distance he insists on keeping from Kremlin visitors.
“It is only human sources that can offer you the sort of rich picture that we have of Putin’s psyche,” a security insider told the Mail on Sunday.
“There has been an identifiable change in his decision-making over the past five years or so.
“Those around him see a marked change in the cogency and clarity of what he says and how he perceives the world around him.”
Is Putin on major steroids?

Senior members in the Five Eyes intelligence partnership include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They believe there is a physiological explanation for the Russian President’s decision to attack Ukraine, according to sources close to the Kremlin.
British intelligence currently believes that the mental deterioration of Putin is an effect of the so-called “roid rage”. It is induced by long-term use of steroids.
According to the publication, a British intelligence source expressed confidence in the accuracy of the information on Putin’s health.
“Our intelligence visibility on Russia is just extraordinary,” the source told the publication.
“The difference in the quality of our sources around Putin compared with Xi and China is staggering.”
Former Foreign Secretary Lord David Owen, speaking on BBC Newsnight earlier this month, voiced alarm over Putin’s health. Thereby, alleging he could be on anabolic steroids, which can increase a person’s aggression.
“I think his immunity is compromised; either by cortical steroids given him for some other ailment or he is on the steroids you give to people with body lifting and weightlifting,” Mr. Owen added.