Russia: World’s fattest domestic cat dies in rehab after losing 2lbs

Russia: World's fattest domestic cat dies in rehab after losing 2lbs

Russian Feline’s Weight Loss Journey Ends in Tragedy Despite Progress

In a heartbreaking turn of events, Kroshik (Russian for “Crumbs”), the world’s heaviest domestic cat who recently made headlines for being “too big to walk,” has passed away during his rehabilitation journey. The mammoth feline, who initially weighed a staggering 38 pounds, died unexpectedly after showing promising signs of recovery at a veterinary diet center in Perm, Russia.

A glimmer of progress

Before his untimely death, Kroshik had made significant strides in his weight loss journey, shedding 2.2 pounds through a comprehensive rehabilitation program that included specialized diet, exercise, and therapeutic massages. The progress had given hope to his caregivers and thousands of followers worldwide who had been tracking his transformation.

The final hours

The tragic news was announced through the social media account dedicated to documenting Kroshik’s recovery: “Kroshik passed away last night,” read the post. “This news resonates with a profound emptiness in our hearts.”

According to the medical team, the cat’s condition deteriorated rapidly and unexpectedly. “Yesterday Kroshik suddenly fell ill. He began to choke,” the caregivers reported. Despite swift action, including placement in an oxygen chamber within 30 minutes of showing symptoms, Kroshik’s condition continued to worsen.

Medical complications

Preliminary medical examinations revealed multiple growths in Kroshik’s spleen and metastases in other internal organs, though the exact cause of death is pending further investigation. The medical team fought valiantly to save him, ensuring he wasn’t alone in his final moments.

A symbol of hope

The cat, who previously resided in the basement of a Perm hospital, had become an unexpected internet sensation. His obesity, attributed to a diet of biscuits and soup, had sparked global conversations about pet nutrition and care.

“For a long time, we could not understand the reason for such incredible popularity of Kroshik, because we did nothing to somehow attract the media to the story,” his caretakers reflected. “Later we realized [that] people from all over the world are so tired of bad news…. We rejoiced with you at every victory of Kroshik and cherished his every step.”

Legacy of love

The story concluded with a poignant message from his caregivers: “Sometimes miracles do not happen. Sometimes even the strongest cats cannot cope.” Kroshik’s journey, though cut short, has left an indelible mark on pet obesity awareness and the importance of proper animal care.

His story serves as both a cautionary tale about pet obesity and a testament to the global community’s capacity for compassion and hope in the face of adversity.

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