Russia is legalizing video game piracy in response to sanctions

Russia is legalizing video game piracy in response to sanctions

The Russian government is making video game piracy legal as a response to the extreme sanctions imposed by the West. Read to find out more about Russia’s new move against the sanctions.

Russia’s status as one of the leading nuclear power is stopping most countries from attacking or responding directly. However, nations are taking other steps to stop the invasion. Nations around the world have levied several strict sanctions and restrictions on Russia for destroying the country’s economy. In addition to social media and retail companies, several video game and tech companies are refusing to sell their products till the crisis is solved. These sanctions have a shocking effect on Russia’s economy and reduced the nation’s currency value.

As retaliation and response to video games and etch, Russia has found a way to go around them. The Russian government is making video game piracy and video piracy legal. Citizens can now pirate content from companies that have imposed sanctions on Russia without any legal problems. The government is allowing IT firms to use IP from firms in other nations without paying. Torrent sites are also going to be unblocked, making it easy for Russians to access download content.

Reality check: Piracy in Russia

According to PlayStation Lifestyle, a sizable portion of Russian users tend to pirate content. hence, it is not clear how this will affect. It is also possible that Russians are pirating online entertainment and video games. However, they can now do this without worrying about legal problems. Currently, video game piracy is the only way that Russian games can play new games. Almost all major video game companies including Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft have suspended sales in Russia as a form of protest. With the current situation and the invasion, it is unsure how long the situation will last.

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