Putin suffers cardiac arrest, found ‘lying on floor’: Reports


As per a purported Kremlin insider-run Telegram group, Russian President Vladimir Putin was discovered unconscious on his bedroom floor by his guards following a suspected “cardiac arrest.” Putin was allegedly “lying on the floor and rolling his eyes,” according to the Telegram Channel. Similar updates on the Russian leader’s health had been provided by the same channel in the past, several of which turned out to be false. The most recent update describes an alleged event that happened on Sunday night, October 22.

The alleged incident in the latest update took place Sunday evening (Oct 22). The 71-year-old president was transported to “a special medical facility built in the apartment where he underwent intensive care,” according to the accusations.

The channel, General SVR, is allegedly run by a former Russian lieutenant general

The channel, General SVR, is allegedly run by a former Russian lieutenant general. This Telegram channel frequently comes up with Putin health news which is often picked up by sections of the Western media. The claim made by General SVR says, “Security officers of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who were on duty at the residence, heard noise and sounds of falling coming from the president’s bedroom.”

“Two security officers immediately followed into the president’s bedroom and saw Putin lying on the floor next to the bed and an overturned table with food and drinks. Putin convulsively arched while lying on the floor, rolling his eyes,” General SVR claimed.

Putin’s health has been the subject of much conjecture in the Western media, particularly since his forces invaded Ukraine last year. The same Telegram account previously claimed that the individual who visited China earlier this month was not Russian President Vladimir Putin, but rather his lookalike. Another Telegram tweet earlier in August sparked fears about Putin’s health. “Z-blogger” said on Telegram on August 28th, “God, don’t leave us.” Thank God you are alive and well.” Anton Gerashchenko, Ukraine’s minister of internal affairs’ counsel, reposted the Telegram post on X and asked, “What is going on?” Gerashchenko’s post drew a number of comments on the microblogging website.

Putin was said to be suffering from “severe headache, blurred vision, and numb tongue” in April, according to the General SVR channel. The station said in May of last year that Putin was gravely ill and had undergone surgery to drain fluid from his abdomen.

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