Peru: ‘Alien mummies’ press conference turns chaotic after ufologist unveils ‘pregnant’ specimen

Peru: 'Alien mummies' press conference turns chaotic after ufologist unveils 'pregnant' specimen

A press conference organized to showcase ‘alien mummies’ in Peru took an unusual turn when a ‘pregnant’ new specimen was revealed to the crowd, and late officials along with police tried to seize it.


Ufologist Jaime Maussan showed the audience a new ‘alien’ specimen known as Montserrat

Ufologist Jaime Maussan, who hosted the event in Peru, showed the audience a new ‘alien’ specimen known as Montserrat.

What set this ‘mummified alien’ apart from the others presented by the ufologist seven months ago was his claim that she was pregnant at the time of her death.

Maussan, 70, is well-known for his research into extraterrestrial occurrences. He previously asserted the existence of two alleged mummified aliens discovered in Palpa and Nazca, Peru, in 2016. The allegations were made to the Mexican Congress in September 2023.


According to Maussan, the ‘alien’ was expecting a tridactyl fetus

According to the ufologist, there is ‘definitive proof’ for tridactyl mummies, which he claims have three fingers and toes.

According to Maussan, the ‘alien’ was expecting a tridactyl fetus who had been named by him as Rafael.

However, the press conference took a dramatic turn when officers from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture stopped it and attempted to confiscate Montserrat’s mummified body.

The officials, who were joined by specially trained police officers, abruptly took control of the microphone.


“Sorry for the interruption, we are taking an unexpected preventive action with the Ministry of Culture and the Specialised Cultural Heritage Police regarding the exhibition of the tridactyl mummies that you have reported on social networks,” said the official.

However, the officials’ efforts to confiscate Montserrat’s body failed when they discovered that the physical mummies had not been brought to the ceremony.

Maussan and his colleagues had only prepared a 15-minute video presentation of the tridactyl mummy, and the officials were requested to watch it alongside the audience.

The presentation featured the research performed by forensic odontologist and retired professor at the University of Colorado, John McDowell.

John McDowell was accompanied by Dr. James Caruso, a medical examiner located in Denver, Colorado, and William Rodriguez, a forensic anthropologist for the Maryland State Medical Examiner.

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