Non-Muslim journalist enters Mecca; Saudi police arrest citizen who helped him

Non-Muslim journalist enters Mecca; Saudi police arrest citizen who helped him

A citizen of Saudi Arabia was detained and thrown over to the Public Prosecution after it was claimed that he helped an Israeli-American journalist reach Mecca. Mecca is the holiest shrine in Islam and a place that only Muslims are permitted to visit.

Journalist Gil Tamary of Israel’s Channel 13 posted a video on Twitter on Monday. He showed himself sneaking into Mecca, the holiest place in Islam. This act is completely a violation of a restriction on non-Muslims to enter the place.

According to a police spokeswoman quoted by the Saudi Press Agency, Mecca regional police have “referred a citizen” to prosecutors for alleged involvement in “transferring and aiding the arrival of a (non-Muslim) journalist.”

Who is this Journalist?

The journalist is an American citizen. His case has been forwarded to prosecutors so they can “take the necessary procedures against him in compliance with the applied laws,” according to Saudi Press Agency.

Saudi Arabia does not recognise Israel and did not sign the 2020 Abraham Accords. They were mediated by the US and saw the Jewish state forge connections with two of the kingdom’s neighbours, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. It happened despite developing behind-the-scenes business and security contacts.

About the video

Tamary travels to Mount Arafat, in his approximately ten-minute video, where robed Muslim pilgrims assemble each year to pray at the pinnacle of the hajj pilgrimage. He states unequivocally that he is aware his actions are forbidden. (Diazepam) However, he claims he did it to highlight “a site that is so significant to our Muslim brothers and sisters.”

Tamary’s defense and later apologies failed to appease angry Saudi online comments. Following US Vice President Joe Biden’s trips to Saudi Arabia and Israel last week, there was uproar.

Gil Tamary is a foreign affairs correspondent for Israeli news channel 13. He reported last Sunday that he was the first to finish a report in Hebrew at the holiest place in Islam. Tamary acknowledged this at the outset of his report. It was aired by the station, claiming that he had entered Mecca without the Saudi government’s consent.

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