Myanmar’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi has been convicted on more corruption charges. She was sentenced to six more years in prison.
According to a legal official, Aung San Suu Kyi was convicted of more corruption charges in a trial that was held behind closed doors. She was sentenced to six years in jail, on top of the eleven years she already had. Her attorneys were prohibited by a gag order from discussing the trial’s details. It was held in secret without access to the press or the general public.
Aung San Suu Kyi was accused of corruption

Suu Kyi was accused of abusing her position in the four corruption cases determined on Monday to rent state land at prices below market value and to construct a home using donations intended for charity causes. For each of the four crimes, she was given a three-year sentence. However, three of those terms will be served concurrently, giving her a total of six more years in jail.
The 77-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner denied all of the allegations. News organizations claimed that after the court sentenced her, her attorneys planned to file an appeal.
The allegations against her might be to justify the military takeover of the country
After the military overthrew Suu Kyi’s elected administration and imprisoned her in February 2021, she had previously been given an 11-year prison sentence for sedition, corruption, and other offenses at prior trials.
The multiple accusations made against her and her allies, according to analysts, are an effort to justify the military’s takeover of power while removing her from politics before the military holds the election it has promised to hold early next year.