Muted mics, no props, and no interaction with campaign staff: CNN sets strict rules for upcoming Biden-Trump debate

Muted mics, no props, and no interaction with campaign staff: CNN sets strict rules for upcoming Biden-Trump debate

Debate Structure and Rules

In a bid to maintain decorum, the first US presidential debate between incumbent Joe Biden and Republican rival Donald Trump on June 27 will feature stringent rules, CNN announced on Saturday. The 90-minute debate, set to take place in Atlanta, will include two commercial breaks, muted microphones when candidates are not speaking, and a ban on props.

Biden-Trump debate: Moderation and format

Moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, the debate aims to curb interruptions and maintain a civilized discussion. “Moderators will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” CNN stated. The candidates will stand at uniform podiums, the positions of which will be determined by a coin flip. They will be provided with only a pen, pad of paper, and a bottle of water.

Audience and interaction restrictions

Unlike previous debates, there will be no studio audience. During the commercial breaks, campaign staff will be prohibited from interacting with their candidate, ensuring the focus remains on the candidates’ responses.

Following this debate, another Biden-Trump encounter will be hosted by ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis in September. The traditional October debate has been scrapped as part of an agreement between the campaigns and television networks, sidelining the Commission on Presidential Debates due to longstanding criticisms.

Candidates’ strategies and voter demographics

Both candidates, the oldest ever to run for US president, are targeting a substantial number of undecided voters. With narrowing polls in key swing states, the debates pose significant risks for both. Biden is losing support among non-college-educated voters, including key demographic groups such as Black people, Hispanic women, young voters, and suburban women, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Preferred debate topics

Biden’s campaign memo reveals his focus on abortion rights, the state of democracy, and the economy. In contrast, Trump’s team highlights immigration, public safety, and inflation as key issues.

CNN also noted the potential participation of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has met the criteria in three qualifying polls and is on the ballot in six states. His campaign claims he is now polling second in Utah and outpaces both Biden and Trump among independents nationally.

The hosting networks aim to avoid the chaos of the 2020 debates, particularly the interruptions that marred discussions on Trump’s pandemic response. The debate rules and format changes are designed to foster a more controlled and substantive exchange between the candidates.

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