Mexican President claims to have proof of mythical woodland elf

Mexican President claims to have proof of mythical woodland elf

The Mexican president shared a picture on social media claiming to have proof of a mythical woodland elf or the alux. Read to know what it’s about.

Mexican President shared a pic as proof of woodland elf.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador shared an image on his social media claiming it to be of an “alux”. The alux is a mythical woodland elf from Mayan folklore. Moreover, as per traditional Mayan belief, aluxes are small and mischievous creatures living in fields and forests. Folklore reveals they are known for playing tricks on people. Some people also leave small offerings for appeasing them.

The grainy photo appears to be taken at night and shows an indistinct creature on a tree. It has two white, bright eyes with long hair, resembling a headdress. According to the president, the ‘alux’ resembled a sculpture from a Yucatan peninsular archaeological site. Additionally, as per his claim, the image was taken three days ago by an engineer on the construction site of the Tren Maya railway line. The new train line is also collecting tourist locations including ancient Mayan sites.

More on the claims:

Social media users were quick at pointing out that the alux image has been circulating online for over two years. However, the source is unclear. “If you believe this, you are stupid,” said one user, responding to the President’s post. “It’s so easy to Google a photo to see if it’s true or not,” commented another. The claim comes as thousands of Mexicans are protesting on the streets of Mexico City against the alleged presidential power grab. People are also protesting against the President’s plan of overhauling the electoral authority. Additionally, as per critics, the plan includes shrinking the budget and staff of the agency and threatening to undermine the nation’s democracy is on the list.

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