Man reconstructs nose ripped off by dog using bone from his own ribs

England: Man reconstructs nose ripped off by dog using bone from his own ribs

A Devastating Incident

Ben Horne, 34, from Yeovil, Somerset, lost his nose when his dog, Henry, ripped it off during a seizure. Ben, who has had epilepsy since age 15, experienced a night seizure that spooked Henry, leading to the attack.

Reconstructive journey

Over the past five years, Ben has undergone ten reconstructive surgeries, using bones from his ribs and skin from his forearm and forehead. The initial emergency operation took place at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, followed by multiple surgeries at Southmead Hospital in Bristol and Exeter.

Ben recounted the harrowing experience, “I remember looking in the mirror and just wishing I hadn’t managed to call an ambulance. I didn’t see how I could live with what happened.”

Embracing a new self

Despite the surgeries, Ben faced challenges in accepting his new appearance. “It’s learning to love yourself and the way that you are rather than reflecting on how you used to be,” he said. Ben’s reconstruction included using tattooed skin from his forearm to create the inner part of his nose and bones from his ribs and hip to rebuild the nasal structure.

Future hopes and advocacy

Ben still requires plastic tubes to help him breathe, and further surgeries are planned. He hopes to inspire others by sharing his story and is fundraising to support Exeter Plastic Surgery and Epilepsy Action. “I liken it to a dream where you are naked in public. You want to hide but you can’t,” Ben shared about his struggles with public stares.

Ben, who had to rehome Henry, is participating in two Tough Mudders and two 50k races to raise funds. Support his cause here.

Ben’s determination and resilience continue to inspire, as he embraces his new appearance and advocates for those with epilepsy.

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