Lack of information on US shootdowns leads to wild ideas, like Aliens

Lack of information on US shootdowns leads to wild ideas, like Aliens

The lack of information on the shootdown of three unknown aerial objects in recent days is leading to wild speculation. Popular and crazy speculations include the possibility of aliens.

White House clarifies “no alien” activity liked to recent shootdowns

The absence of confirmed details on the drowning of three unknown aerial objects by US fighter jets is promoting severe theories, On Monday, President Biden’s press secretary announced, stressing there was no indication of aliens or any extraterrestrial activities linked to the shootdowns. As per US officials, very little is known about the objects. One was drowned on Friday off the Alaskan coast, and another over Canada on Saturday. And the third over Lake Huron on Sunday.

The shootdowns are a part of the US’ assertive response to the “spy balloon”. The government is blaming Beijing’s espionage program for the events. “I know there’s been questions and concerns about this, but there is no — again, no — indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity,” stated Karine Jean-Pierre. Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary tried tamping down the unrestrained theories floating around.

More on the spy balloons

The US government is insisting the three objects were not a threat to security. As per officials, the massive spy balloon would provide “limited additive capabilities”. But, as per John Kirby, the shootdowns were necessary “out of an abundance of caution”. Kirby is the spokesperson for US National Security Council. President Biden’s decision of shooting down four of the UAOs over eight days is an inharmonious note on the sensitive efforts for protecting the nation.

However, as per some officials, the legal justification for the shootdowns— that the objects might imperil civilian flight could rise questions. President Biden “wants to appear tough on China. And this is a good example of where actions speak louder than words.” stated Brian Ott. Ott is the co-author of The Twitter Presidency: Donald J. Trump and the Politics of White Rage. “If we find ourselves next year in a presidential debate between the two of them. Trump will try to cast Biden as weak on national security, and Biden will be able to turn to Trump. And say, ‘How many of these Chinese balloons and unidentified objects did you shoot out of the sky?” he asked.

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