John McAfee’s 2020 ‘time traveler’ prediction goes viral after Biden exits 2024 race

John McAfee's 2020 'time traveler' prediction goes viral after Biden exits 2024 race

On July 19, 2020, John David McAfee predicted that Joe Biden would drop out of the presidential race after being medically diagnosed as unfit for office. Although McAfee made this prediction regarding the 2020 election, many are now noting its uncanny relevance to the current political climate.

“Russia’s first time traveller has returned. Guess what he said: In September Biden is medically diagnosed as unfit for office and quits. They discover that the DNC has legal power to choose a replacement without a National vote! Weird huh?” McAfee wrote in his post, which remains live on social media platform X. “You’ll never guess who they chose.”

Biden’s withdrawal

President Biden’s decision to step aside, endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidential nominee position for the 2024 elections, came as a shock to his team and supporters. Citing a combination of personal and political factors, Biden emphasized his commitment to focus solely on fulfilling his duties as President for the remainder of his term.

Public reaction

The resurgence of McAfee’s post has sparked widespread commentary and speculation:

Many social media users are pointing out the striking accuracy of McAfee’s prediction, noting the parallels between his forecast and the current situation. The late McAfee’s post has been shared and retweeted thousands of times, with many expressing astonishment at his foresight.

The DNC’s next steps

With Biden officially out of the race, the Democratic Party faces the task of selecting a replacement without a national vote. This process aligns with McAfee’s prediction that the DNC would have the power to choose a replacement without going to the electorate. Vice President Kamala Harris, now endorsed by Biden, is seen as a leading contender, though she must still secure the nomination through the Democratic National Convention’s process.

Four years after McAfee’s prediction, Biden’s exit from the race due to health concerns has left many reflecting on the eerie accuracy of McAfee’s words. As the Democratic Party moves forward with selecting a new nominee, the political landscape remains as unpredictable as ever, with McAfee’s post serving as a strange reminder of the twists and turns in American politics.

John McAfee, a controversial figure known for his contributions to the field of cybersecurity, as well as his legal and financial troubles, made numerous predictions and comments on political affairs. His death in a Spanish prison in June 2021, ruled a suicide, added to the mystique surrounding his persona and his often cryptic statements.

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