Japan announces 415 deaths due to Covid in a single day, the greatest number ever

Japan announces 415 deaths due to Covid in a single day, the greatest number ever

Japan recorded a record number of fatalities on Wednesday, December 28. The country saw 415 COVID-19-related fatalities, which is a record high for a single day. On Wednesday, there were 216, 219 newly confirmed Covid cases nationwide. Compared to last Wednesday, when the number was 206,943, this is an increase of about 4%. Japan saw a daily high of 260,000 cases in August.

Japan experienced the highest global rate of infections over the last week. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States recorded the most reported deaths, with Japan coming in second. According to Business Standard, this current outbreak is the eighth COVID-19 infection wave to hit the country.

Japan has also put Covid restrictions on travelers from China, requiring them to perform Covid tests when they arrive

According to IANS, there have been 55,000 fatalities and more than 28 million cases across the country. According to the Japan Times, there has been an increase in incidents since the government lifted entry restrictions on tourists in October. These restrictions had been in place for two and a half years. Following this, the country received close to a million visitors in November.

According to AFP, the country has also put Covid restrictions on travelers from China, requiring them to perform Covid tests when they arrive. This has been carried out, according to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, due to “knowledge that infection is spreading rapidly” in China.

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