Is potato a grain or vegetable? US Senators defend its vegetable status amid USDA policy shift debate

Is potato a grain or vegetable? US Senators defend it as a vegetable amid USDA policy shift debate

Senators have encouraged USDA officials to avoid labeling potatoes as grains. In an unexpected twist on Capitol Hill, a formidable coalition of American Senators from both the Republican and Democratic parties has taken a strong stance against a contentious proposal: reclassifying potatoes as grains.

The great American vegetable and grain argument has reached a fever pitch, with stakeholders debating whether the potato should be reclassified from vegetable to grain. This issue is set to be addressed in the next Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs) for 2025-2030.

In a strongly worded letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, the bipartisan group of 14 Senators said “The scientific basis for saying potatoes are not vegetables is as thin as a potato chip. Potatoes provide significant nutritional value, and we strongly reject their categorization as a grain under the DGAs.”

The Senators emphasized the potato’s longstanding designation as a vegetable, which dates back to the establishment of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). “Unlike grains, white potatoes are powerhouses of potassium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fiber. Changing the potato’s classification would not only confuse consumers but also throw the entire supply chain into chaos,” the letter read.

Potato: Grain vs. Vegetable: What’s the debate?

According to sources, a joint advisory council is considering “the interchangeability of starchy vegetables and grains.” It is entrusted with making recommendations to the USDA and HHS secretaries to help them establish the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).

US senators have encouraged regulators to avoid labeling potatoes as grains. “Classifying potatoes as a grain would be like saying apples and oranges are the same. We demand an urgent update on this matter from the DGAs,”  the letter stated.

The Senators also highlighted a 2013 National Library of Medicine report titled “White Potatoes, Human Health, and Dietary Guidance,” which supported the potato’s cause.

The senators argued that the reclassification would deprive consumers of essential nutrients

According to a study, potatoes should be classified as a vegetable due to their significant nutritional value. All white vegetables, particularly white potatoes, supply essential nutrients and should be featured prominently in food guidelines.”

The senators argued that the reclassification would deprive consumers of essential nutrients and cause significant confusion. To highlight the gravity of the situation, both sides in the categorization argument have filed opposing comments, claiming that a potato by any other name would not taste as nutritious.

“In addition, our federal nutrition programs rely on the DGAs to ensure that program beneficiaries are receiving well-balanced, nutritious food. Such a change could also come at a cost to our nation’s schools. Under the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs, schools already struggle to meet vegetable consumption recommendations at a reasonable cost, and potatoes are often the most affordable vegetable,” the senators added.

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