According to a source, 453 workers were fired through an official email sent late on Thursday night from Google’s India operations. The report further stated that firings occurred across many divisions. According to the Business Line story, Google India’s Country Head and Vice President Sanjay Gupta informed the employees who were let go of their unexpected dismissal through email.
The company’s aim is to reduce personnel by 12,000, or 6% of its global workforce
The company’s aim to reduce personnel by 12,000, or 6% of its global workforce, as revealed by Goole CEO Sundar Pichai in January, or whether this is just another round of layoffs is unknown. Pichai informed the staff of the change in an email, saying that the business had conducted a “rigorous examination” before coming to this decision and that it accepted “full responsibility” for those choices.
“The roles we’re eliminating reflect the outcome of that review. They cut across (parent firm) Alphabet, product areas, functions, levels, and regions,” Pichai wrote in the mail. He continued by saying that the organization underwent a “rigorous examination across product areas and functions” to ensure that the employees and their jobs were in line with the company’s top priorities. “The roles we’re eliminating reflect the outcome of that review. They cut across Alphabet, product areas, functions, levels, and regions,” Pichai wrote in the mail.
The information was released a day after it was claimed that Google India had listed numerous job openings on LinkedIn
The information was released a day after it was claimed that Google India had listed numerous job openings on LinkedIn. Manager, Startup Success Team, Employee Relations Partner, Startup Success Manager, Google Cloud, Vendor Solutions Consultant, Product Manager, and Database Insights were a few of the open opportunities. The positions were open at all Google offices, including those in Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Gurugram. The layoffs continue as Neal Mohan, who is of Indian descent, takes over as YouTube’s new CEO after Susan Wojcicki resigned on Thursday.