Idaho has become the first state to pass a law restricting travel for abortions. Governor Brad Little signed a bill on Wednesday (April 5) making it unlawful for an adult to assist a minor in getting an abortion without parental permission, the Associated Press reported on Thursday. The United States has never had legislation like the one against trafficking in abortions. It is against the law to either aid a minor in leaving the country for an abortion with or without the knowledge and approval of their parents.
Anyone convicted will face two to five years in prison and could also be sued by the minor’s parent or guardian
Anyone guilty could be sentenced to two to five years in prison and face legal action from the minor’s guardian or parent. The criminal sanctions for anyone who assisted the kid in getting an abortion will still apply. Still, the statute stipulates that parents of children who have been sexually assaulted cannot file a lawsuit.
The attorney general may also bring charges for alleged legal infractions even if the county prosecutor, who is typically in charge of bringing charges in criminal cases, declines to do so, according to the legislation.
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America stated in a statement that the measure raises urgent questions about the state’s legal power to prevent citizens from traveling to other states to receive abortion treatment.
Idaho has a number of abortion-related laws
“Banning abortion wasn’t enough for these anti-abortion zealots. They will stop at nothing to control what we do and where we go — even if it means holding people, hostage, when trying to access essential health services. Young people seeking abortion deserve our compassion and support, not the extreme government overreach this law sanctions,” Alexis McGill Johnson, the federation’s president, said in the statement.
Like many other American states, Idaho has a number of abortion-related laws in place. According to the Associated Press, two doctors from Idaho and a local Planned Parenthood affiliate filed a lawsuit on Wednesday challenging the state’s interpretation of yet another draconian abortion ban, arguing that it unconstitutionally restricts interstate travel for abortions.
The law prohibits doctors from using “any means to intentionally terminate the clinically diagnosable pregnancy of a woman” if they know doing so will likely result in the unborn child’s death. It became effective soon after Roe v. Wade was overturned by the US Supreme Court last year.
As one of the only states with laws punishing individuals who assist people of any age in getting abortions, Idaho has already virtually outlawed abortion at all stages of pregnancy.