Hikers are vanishing from these mysterious Australian mountains

Mysterious Australian Mountains

Mysterious Australian Mountains

Mysterious Australian mountains

These mysterious mountains in Australia and hiking them are the only thing common between all these disappearances. So, what really happened? Was it a run-in with illegal hunters? wild animals? The mystery hangs like a thick fog.


Missing in the mountains

Mysterious Australian mountains

Hikers have gone missing all around this area. According to the cattlemen who once knew the area like the back of their hands, it is easy to get lost here. Especially if people are not careful. Wonnangatta Valley in Victoria, Australia is a gorgeous and rugged landscape. “It’s remote and beautiful and unpredictable. It creates its legends and its mysteries,” said Graeme Stoney, an 81-year-old cattleman from the area.

Additionally, Warren Meyer, a 57-year old experienced hiker from Australia set out on a simple 6-mile hike. However, he was never seen again after the fateful day one fall. An investigation took place and clues were collected. (sociobits.org) Locals mentioned an escapee from the psychiatric ward. The patient had homicidal tendencies and people reported hearing the unmistakable sound of a gun firing. The investigation uncovered a marijuana plantation but, nothing on the missing hiker. Three falls later, David Prideaux, aged 50, the head of Melbourne Prison went missing in the same region.

In 2019 Conard Whitlock, a 72-year-old left for the high country at 3 am. The man was never found again, except for his belongings in his abandoned car. Niels Becker, a bushwalker went missing while on his birthday hike. Recently in March 2020, Carol Clay and Russel Hill, two 70-somethings set out for a weeklong camping trip went to these very mountains for a camping trip. They tagged with an amateur radio enthusiast during their hike. Nothing is known about them apart from the last dail in they sent. It has been over a year since the most recent disappearance and the mystery only thickens.


Rumors or a series of unfortunate events in the mysterious mountains?

Amidst people and campfire stories, the myth of a Button Man and the missing campers is well weaved. According to the tale, the button man dwells in the woods, not far from the campsites of these mountains. The supposed killer is believed to spend his time carving buttons out of deer antlers.

However, there is no evidence to prove this. The place has managed to keep a mysterious aura around it for over a century and, it might stay that way forever.

The first-ever case in the mountains

Every mystery has an origin story. The one surrounding these mountains involves a double murder that occurred 103 years ago. Yes, you read it right. One summer night, Jim Barclay, a 48-year-old’s body was found by a cattle herder. Suspicion on John Bamford, Barclay’s cook immediately arose but, he could not be questioned. (https://rentalsfloridakeys.com/) Barclay was missing and his body was found 9 months later, with a bullet in his skull. No one has been charged with these murders.

According to the legend, Barclay killed Bamford and, Barclay was shot by Bamford’s friend in the name of revenge. However, some other legends say it was an argument with cattle thieves. There have been several accusations, stories of affairs, jealousy, and revenge floating around according to Keith Leydon, a historian. Leydon is also the author of a book that talks about the decade-old murders. Which one of these stories is true? We’ll never know.

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