Hamza Bin Laden, son of Osama is alive and planning attacks on the West, new reports suggest

Hamza Bin Laden, son of Osama is alive and planning attacks on the West, new reports suggest

In a startling revelation, new intelligence reports suggest that Hamza bin Laden, the son of the infamous Osama bin Laden who was believed to have died in 2019, is not only alive but has taken over the reins of al-Qaeda. The organization is reportedly regrouping and preparing to carry out attacks on the West.

Hamza bin Laden is not only alive but actively involved in al-Qaeda’s resurgence

The Daily Mail has quoted defense experts claiming that Hamza bin Laden is now secretly running the terror organization. His brother Abdullah is also reportedly connected with al-Qaeda. The reports indicate that al-Qaeda is gearing up for a resurgence akin to its most potent phase since the Iraq War.

“[Hamza] has ascended to the leadership of al-Qaeda, steering [it] towards its most potent resurgence since the Iraq War,” the reports state.

Colonel Richard Kemp, former chief of UK forces, has issued a warning that Hamza is utilizing Afghanistan soil where he “appears to have an open field” and “will be intent on conquest and vengeance for his father.” Intelligence reports confirm that “Hamza bin Laden is not only alive but actively involved in al-Qaeda’s resurgence, a fact well-known among senior Taliban leaders.”

Historical context

Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, was killed in a 2011 operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan. His son’s alleged survival and leadership of al-Qaeda mark a significant development in global terrorism dynamics.

Taliban’s alleged support

One of the reports highlights that Taliban leaders are allegedly backing the group. “These leaders… engage with him, holding regular meetings and securing him and his family. It highlights a deep connection between al-Qaeda and the Taliban, one that is crucial for Western governments to understand.”

Another report, seen by the Mirror, mentions that approximately 21 terror networks are likely operating in the Taliban-run state. Fighters and suicide bombers are being trained in camps across several provinces, including Helmand, Ghazni, Laghman, Parwan, Uruzgan, Zabul, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Badghis, and Kunar, sparking fears of another possible 9/11-style attack.

Colonel Kemp told the Mirror, “Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza now appears to have an open field in Afghanistan. He will be intent on conquest and vengeance for his father.”

Sirajuddin Haqqani, an Afghan warlord, is also said to be supporting Hamza. A 2022 United Nations report had previously warned that al-Qaeda had a “safe haven” in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s return to power.

In 2019, then-US President Donald Trump announced Hamza’s death in an operation in Afghanistan

Hamza bin Laden, believed to be in his 30s, has four wives who have reportedly been in Iran since 2019. In 2019, then-US President Donald Trump announced Hamza’s death in a US operation in southeast Afghanistan. However, the CIA never found DNA evidence to confirm his death.

Al-Qaeda’s media arm released Hamza’s last known public statement in 2018, wherein he called on his followers in Saudi Arabia to rise in revolt against the monarchy.

As these reports emerge, the global community is once again on high alert, watching closely for any signs of al-Qaeda’s activities under Hamza bin Laden’s leadership.

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