78-yr-old German prince adopts 27-yr-old man to inherit his title & look after him in the US

German prince

A German ‘prince’, Prince Frederic von Anhalt, has legally adopted a 27-year-old man to be his successor and to assist him in his later years.

Kevin Feucht has been a friend of Prince Frederic von Anhalt for seven years.

After being adopted at the age of 35, the price made the unique decision as part of his attempt to preserve his ancestry.

Kevin has changed his last name on his birth certificate and will be living with his new father, according to TMZ. He will be assisting with payments and medical care.

Frederic told the New York Post: “I wanted to show lonely people that they do not need to be alone.

“You can adopt a grown-up and have somebody who helps you from day one. You don’t have to raise a child.”

Princess Marie Auguste of Anhalt adopted him as an adult in 1980 after paying for the ‘royal’ status.

The German monarchy was abolished in 1918. Also, the prince admits to the Post: “The titles still exist but there is no more power to nobility.”

Now he says he wanted to extend the title to someone else. Thereby, telling the paper: “I would like to adopt somebody and give him the tool. In America, it works. People want to know who you are and that is how they judge you.”

He met Kevin through his parents. Despite the unique circumstances, he says he is still good friends with both of them.

Kevin is content with the scenario as well. He has agreed to stay at Frédéric’s home in exchange for cooking for him, paying his expenses, and aiding around the house.

He added: “My dad is happy about it. I love my parents and will always love them.” 

According to the German prince, he has previously adopted five boys all of whom he had while married to Gabor and who all paid for the title.

Zsa Zsa Gabor was the reality star queen during Hollywood’s golden age. She is more recognized for her nine marriages and A-List lifestyle than for her work.

She married Frederic from 1986 till her death in 2016 at the age of 99.

“They left. One guy went to Dubai and showed off,” said the prince, adding that another used the title to promote a chain of strip clubs in Germany.

“What am I supposed to do? Once they had the title, they took off. Zsa Zsa said you have to marry a lot of guys until you find the right guy. I think it is the same thing with adopting.

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