France’s shocking rape trial: Husband claims wife’s refusal to engage in “swinging” led to heinous crimes

France's shocking rape trial: Husband claims wife's refusal to swing led to heinous crimes

Accused in France’s Rape Trial Blames Wife for His Actions

In a harrowing trial unfolding in France, Dominique Pelicot, a 71-year-old retired electrician, stands accused of drugging his wife and facilitating her rape by at least 50 strangers. In a stunning defense, Pelicot has claimed that his heinous actions were driven by his wife’s refusal to engage in “swinging.”

During the trial, criminal psychologist Annabelle Montagne testified that Pelicot blamed his wife for his criminal behavior. “Pelicot said: ‘My wife and I had a discussion about swinging but she didn’t agree so I drugged her’,” Montagne informed the court in Avignon. Montagne had interviewed Pelicot in December 2020, a month and a half after his arrest.

The medical excuse and court proceedings

Pelicot was excused from attending the entire hearing on September 9 after his lawyers cited ‘medical problems’ that had persisted for 48 hours without ‘adequate treatment.’ Despite his absence, the trial proceeded with psychologists providing crucial insights into his psyche.

Montagne described Pelicot’s disturbing perspective on his relationship with his wife, Gisele. “He sees his partner as an object to satisfy his sexual and narcissistic needs. His wife is then a partial object and no longer an object of total love,” she stated.

Split personality and lack of empathy

Psychologist Marianne Douteau further revealed Pelicot’s complex mental state, describing him as having a “split personality” with no empathy. She noted that Pelicot had admitted he would have continued abusing his wife if not for his arrest. “Pelicot complains that this criminal case against him has destroyed his life. He claims everything could have continued as before if he had not been arrested. He said: ‘Gisele would not have known anything, we would have continued to be happy’,” Douteau testified.

A troubled past and manipulative nature

Douteau also shed light on Pelicot’s troubled childhood, stating, “Dominique Pelicot comes from a troubled family in which young children were abused. [Pelicot] has a two-sided personality; he is a patriarch but he is also irresponsible and manipulative. Behind closed doors he does not respect limits.”

She concluded her testimony by highlighting Pelicot’s complex mental state, asserting, “He has a split personality between the person he wants to be and the person he is. He does not show any empathy – but he is not inauthentic [in his expressions of love for his wife].”

The trial continues to unveil the dark and twisted motivations behind Dominique Pelicot’s actions. As the court proceedings advance, the testimonies of psychologists provide a chilling glimpse int

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