Florida woman found guilty of manslaughter after shooting neighbor in racially charged incident

Florida woman found guilty of manslaughter after shooting neighbor in racially charged incident

Susan Louise Lorincz Faces Up to 30 Years in Jail

Ocala, Florida, In a case that has gripped the community, 60-year-old Susan Louise Lorincz was found guilty of manslaughter after fatally shooting her neighbor, 35-year-old Ajike Owens, last June. The verdict could see Lorincz facing up to 30 years behind bars.

The incident

On a fateful June day, Lorincz fired a shot at Owens while she stood next to her 12-year-old son on Lorincz’s doorstep. The incident occurred after Owens had come to Lorincz’s home to confront her about alleged harassment of her children, including throwing a rollerblade and damaging a tablet.

Claims of self-defense

Lorincz argued that she had acted in self-defense under Florida‘s ‘stand your ground’ law. Her arrest came four days after the shooting, as authorities examined her claims. However, a jury ultimately rejected Lorincz’s assertion of self-defense, much to the relief of Owens’ family.

Pamela Dias, Owens’ mother, expressed her relief, stating, “I feel a bit lighter and am on the path to true healing.”

A troubled history

Neighbors painted a troubling picture of Lorincz’s behavior towards children in the community. Phyllis Wills, a 33-year-old neighbor, told NBC, “Everybody in this neighborhood has had issues with this lady regarding our children.” According to multiple accounts, Lorincz had a history of recording, insulting, and even pointing guns at neighborhood kids.

The aftermath

Following the shooting, Owens’ son called 911, reporting that his mother had only been knocking on the door. Owens was rushed to the hospital but tragically succumbed to her injuries.

Lorincz also made a 911 call, reporting a trespassing complaint and admitting to the shooting. She later told police, “I never intended to kill; I was shaking and felt like I was in mortal danger.”

Contradictory evidence

Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods dismissed Lorincz’s self-defense claim, citing video footage from neighboring security cameras that contradicted her version of events. Sheriff Woods emphasized that the surveillance footage supported the accounts given by Owens’ children.

The verdict has brought some semblance of closure to a grieving community, yet it also serves as a stark reminder of the lasting impact of racially charged violence. As Lorincz awaits sentencing, the neighborhood continues to grapple with the aftermath of a tragedy that could have been avoided.

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