Florida police officer, 26, arrested for alleged sexual misconduct with ‘intoxicated’ minor girl

Florida cop, 26, arrested for alleged sexual misconduct with ‘intoxicated’ minor girl

Shocking Allegations Rock Florida Law Enforcement Community

In a disturbing turn of events, a young Tallahassee police officer has been arrested and terminated from his position following allegations of sexual misconduct with an underage girl. The incident has sent shockwaves through the local community and raised serious questions about police conduct and vetting procedures.

The arrest

Danny Moore, 26, was taken into custody on Monday by his colleagues at the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD). The arrest came after officers responded to reports of a suspected intoxicated juvenile at Jackson Square Apartments.

The allegations

According to the TPD, Moore is accused of:

  1. Meeting an underage girl through an app
  2. Arranging a meeting in a shopping center parking lot
  3. Purchasing alcohol for the minor
  4. Taking her to his apartment
  5. Engaging in sexual activity with the intoxicated teenager

The investigation

When officers arrived at Moore’s apartment, he allegedly:

Officers subsequently found the intoxicated minor and transported her to a local hospital for treatment.

Official response

Police Chief Lawrence Revell issued a strong statement condemning the alleged actions:

“The men and women who protect and serve our community are held to the highest standard of the law. Officer misconduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Every one of our officers took an oath to protect this community, and every one of them will be held accountable for any actions that do not uphold TPD’s core values, department policies, and Florida Statutes.”

Charges and consequences

Moore, who had only joined the force in July 2023, was immediately terminated from his position. He now faces multiple serious charges, including:

The TPD has stated that additional charges may be forthcoming as the investigation continues.

Community impact

This incident has undoubtedly shaken the trust between the Tallahassee community and its police force. It raises important questions about the screening and monitoring of police officers, especially those new to the force.

As this story develops, residents and police accountability advocates will be watching closely to see how the TPD handles this case and what steps they take to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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