Fish mysteriously drops from sky and crashes into Tesla in New Jersey. What exactly happened?

Fish mysteriously drops from sky and crashes into Tesla in New Jersey. What exactly happened?

Bizarre Incident Leaves Residents Puzzled

In a strange occurrence in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, a fish fell from the sky and smashed into a Tesla parked in Cynthia and Jeff Levine’s driveway. The force of the impact cracked the windshield and left fish debris all over the car. Cynthia described hearing a loud crash, followed by the car’s alarm sounding off.

Discovery and investigation

Upon investigating, the Levines found their Tesla’s windshield broken, covered in fish scales and blood. “We were like holy crap, look at this,” Cynthia recounted. Initially suspecting mischief, they checked their security footage, which showed a small fish suddenly falling from the sky and hitting the car.

Potential culprit: Local wildlife

Living a mile from the nearest body of water, Raritan Bay, the Levines were puzzled by the incident. Cynthia mentioned, “We also have an eagle’s nest in our backyard… We think it was probably the eagle.” Local residents often see birds flying with fish, suggesting that an eagle might have accidentally dropped its catch onto the car.

The Levines are now in the process of repairing their car. Jeff humorously added, “I lowered my deductibles, so if any birds are listening, please don’t drop it here because I’m covered now.”

This unusual incident highlights the unpredictable interactions between wildlife and urban life, leaving the Levines with a story to tell and a car to repair.

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