Driving laws: 10 weird traffic rules from around the world

Weird driving rules

Weird driving rules

Driving laws: 10 weird traffic rules from around the world

Driving in a foreign country can be pretty stressful, especially the left or right side driving can trip anyone. Here are the top ten weird driving laws from around the planet.

Some of these laws are weird but, make sense

In the Philipines, you can’t drive your car on the road once a week. This law is a part of the Number coding and Vehicular Volume Reduction Program to reduce pollution and traffic. Hence, you cannot drive your car depending on what number your number plate ends with. Vehicles ending with 1 and 2 are banned on Monday, 3 and 4 on Tuesday, 5 and 6 on Wednesday, 7 and 8 on Thursday and 9 and 0 on Friday.

Smoking while driving is illegal in Greece. The law is mainly because people have to bring the cigarette to their lips and, taking your hands off the wheel is an accident hazard.

It is fineable to splash a pedestrian with water when you drive through a puddle in Japan. So, keep the road and speed in check after a rainy day. Similarly, it is also illegal to splash mud onto bystanders who are waiting for a bus, entering, or exiting a bus. Not following this law can cost you a hefty fine of $1,550.

If you are driving in Australia, don’t stick your libs out of the window unless you are signaling others. Sticking your hand out to ‘feel the air’ can get you a hefty fine of almost $240. “Drivers and passengers need to apply common sense – it’s not only illegal but downright dangerous, and that’s because you could risk losing a limb,” stated Dimitra Vlahomitros. Vlahomitros is a member of the Australian National Roads and Motorist’s Association.

These driving laws make no sense!

In the US, it is illegal to jump from a car that’s going at 65 mph or to shoot an animal from your car. However, the law is not applicable to whales.

It is illegal for men to drive in Thailand without a shirt on. Doing so can get you a fine of about $16.

Having a dirty car is finable in Russia.

In Germany, it is illegal to make unnecessary stops on the Autobahn, even if your car runs out of gas.

It is illegal to eat or drink while driving in Cyprus. the fine for not following this will cost you almost $100.

Finally, the last weird driving law is from Switzerland. Washing your car on a Sunday is illegal here.

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