Digital transformation: German would-be spies seek license to work from home

Digital transformation: German would-be spies seek license to work from home

Expectations of flexible working and using a mobile device at work, according to the BND intelligence service, are having an impact on recruitment. MI6 famously granted James Bond the authority to kill as part of his position as a British secret agent.

Today’s would-be spies are more likely to request something else: the ability to operate from home, a cultural shift that has hurt Germany’s intelligence service’s recruitment rates.

The president of the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) stated that hiring enough employees was difficult because older members of the service retired and left, resulting in a shortage of successors.

Bruno Kahl said: “We cannot offer certain conditions that are taken for granted today.” He described finding enough of the right staff as a growing challenge.

Unsurprisingly, given the stories of real and fictitious espionage including tradecraft such as dead drops, brush pasts, and microdot photography, even in 2023, there is little potential for carrying out espionage from your spare bedroom.

“Remote work is barely possible at the BND for security reasons, and not being able to take your cell phone to work is asking much from young people looking for a job,” Kahl said, according to Reuters.

According to its website, the BND employs approximately 6,500 individuals. During the cold war, the service was formed in West Germany in 1956 and survived reunification in 1989. (Tramadol) The HVA, East Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, was disbanded.

It has drawn criticism in recent decades for cooperating closely with the US prior to the invasion of Iraq, as well as for eavesdropping on German journalists.

Nonetheless, contrary to popular belief, the problem does not appear to be shared by other intelligence services.

Its UK counterpart tells potential applicants on its careers website that it offers “flexible working [which] means you can work around personal commitments”.

Meanwhile, the CIA said it has “several working groups” looking at working from home.

Expectations of flexible working and using a mobile device at work, according to the BND intelligence service, are having an impact on recruitment. MI6 famously granted James Bond the authority to kill as part of his position as a British secret agent.

Today’s would-be spies are more likely to request something else: the ability to operate from home, a cultural shift that has hurt Germany’s intelligence service’s recruitment rates.

The president of the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) stated that hiring enough employees was difficult because older members of the service retired and left, resulting in a shortage of successors.

Bruno Kahl said: “We cannot offer certain conditions that are taken for granted today.” He described finding enough of the right staff as a growing challenge.

Unsurprisingly, given the stories of real and fictitious espionage including tradecraft such as dead drops, brush pasts, and microdot photography, even in 2023, there is little potential for carrying out espionage from your spare bedroom.

“Remote work is barely possible at the BND for security reasons, and not being able to take your cell phone to work is asking much from young people looking for a job,” Kahl said, according to Reuters.

According to its website, the BND employs approximately 6,500 individuals. During the cold war, the service was formed in West Germany in 1956 and survived reunification in 1989. (Tramadol) The HVA, East Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, was disbanded.

It has drawn criticism in recent decades for cooperating closely with the US prior to the invasion of Iraq, as well as for eavesdropping on German journalists.

Nonetheless, contrary to popular belief, the problem does not appear to be shared by other intelligence services.

Its UK counterpart tells potential applicants on its careers website that it offers “flexible working [which] means you can work around personal commitments”.

Meanwhile, the CIA said it has “several working groups” looking at working from home.

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