“Deeply Ashamed”: Australian state leader admits wearing Nazi uniform

"Deeply Ashamed": Australian state leader admits wearing Nazi uniform

The most populous state’s premier in Australia admitted on Thursday that he had dressed in Nazi garb for his 21st birthday party, saying he was “Deeply Ashamed.” The conservative leader of New South Wales, Premier Dominic Perrottet, said that a call from a colleague two days prior inspired him to make the revelation. “I attended my first fancy dress party at age 21. I was dressed in Nazi gar ” Perrottet made a media announcement.


Perrottet, claimed he was naive at the time and was unaware of the gravity of his deed

“I am deeply ashamed of what I did and I am truly sorry for the hurt and the pain that this will cause people right across our state and particularly members of the Jewish community, Holocaust survivors, veterans, and their families,” he said. “I am truly sorry for that terrible decision.” Perrottet, 40, claimed he was naive at the time and was unaware of the gravity of his deed or the suffering the uniform symbolised in light of the millions of Holocaust victims. I have had a lot of anxiety over this all my life,” he continued.

Nazi symbolism is not to be taken lightly and dressing as a Nazi is not a joke

The premier, who faces state-wide elections in March, said he was unaware of the existence of any photos of him wearing the uniform. “Nazi symbolism is not to be taken lightly and dressing as a Nazi is not a joke,” said the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, which represents the Jewish community in the state. “This incident, no matter how old, is a reminder of the need to continually educate all Australians — and particularly our youth — about the abhorrent nature of the Nazi regime,” it said in a statement.

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