Daily Covid deaths in China have decreased by over 80% say authorities

Daily Covid deaths in China have decreased by over 80% say authorities

According to Chinese authorities, the daily number of Covid deaths in China has decreased by about 80% since the beginning of January. According to a statement issued by China’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday (January 25), there were 896 Covid related deaths on Monday (January 23), a 79% decrease from January 4. However, given the government’s definition of a viral death, the data are thought to only represent a fraction of the total toll, according to a report by the news agency AFP on Thursday.

The CDC said last week that over 13,000 infected people died between January 13 and January 19. Prior to that, over 60,000 individuals died in hospitals in just over a month.

According to recent local government declarations and media accounts, the Covid wave may have begun to diminish after peaking in late December last year and early January this year, when hospitals and crematoriums were at capacity. On the other side, a National Health Commission (NHC) official stated last week that China has passed the peak of patients in fever clinics, emergency rooms, and critical conditions.

The CDC also reported on Wednesday that serious covid cases in Chinese hospitals had dropped to 36,000 by Monday, a 72% decrease from 128,000 cases on January 5. The announcement comes as residents celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Authorities have previously warned that this season of heavy travel and social events could result in a resurgence of diseases. Furthermore, several global specialists warned of an increase in Covid cases in rural areas that are less prepared to deal with the virus.

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