Cruelty-free cosmetics act: New York state bans cosmetics animal testing

New York state bans cosmetics animal testing

Starting Jan 1, New York has banned cosmetics animal testing in the state. Read to know about the new measure.

NY bans cosmetics animal testing

Following the new measure approved by Governor Kathy Hochu, cosmetics animal testing is banned in the state of New York. The law is in effect as of January 1, 2023. It now joins California, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, and Virginia which have similar restrictions. The measure comes following years of outcry from animal rights advocates opposing testing the beauty industry. Moreover, it follows Hochul’s recent approval banning the retail sale of rabbits, cats, and dogs in New York.

“For decades, helpless animals have been subjected to cruel and painful experiments simply for the creation of cosmetic products,” stayed Linda Rosenthal. Rosenthal is the Manhattan Assembly member and sponsor of the measure with Democratic state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi from the Bronx. “At the same time, research methods have evolved. Rendering unnecessary the requirement that animals undergo inhumane tests to help companies create a new mascara or shampoo. In 2008, I passed a law prohibiting the use of cruel animal testing methods in cases where an alternative was available. The Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act is the final step in ensuring that New York State is free of cosmetics tested on animals for our vanity,” she added.

More on the cruelty-free cosmetics act

Animals subjected to cosmetics tests suffer through several painful conditions. The process can involve rubbing chemicals onto their shaved skin or dripping chemicals into their eyes. It can also involve ingesting copious amounts of chemicals for determining the “lethal dose”. The animals rarely receive pain relief and die or are killed at the end of the experiment. Additionally, there is strong corporate support for ending cosmetics animal testing.

“With Governor Hochul’s signature on this legislation, New York State officially recognizes that cosmetics testing on animals should be a thing of the past. And has also joined the growing number of states and companies calling for a stop to these experiments,” stated Brian Shapiro. Shapiro is the state director of the Humane Society of the United States in New York.

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