Chinese teen sells the inherited house at half the price to buy a motorcycle

Chinese teen sells inherited house at half the price to buy motorcycle

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), a teen in China sold a house he inherited for 1 million yuan ($139,000) for half the price to buy a motorcycle. However, the sale was canceled due to a legal lawsuit filed by the 18-year-old’s relatives. The incident occurred in Henan Province in central China and came to light after the subject was taken before a court, according to the outlet. (Klonopin) The court examined the papers of the deal between the teen, nicknamed Xiaohua, and two property dealers and found it unfair.

After his parents refused to buy him a motorcycle, the teen decided to sell the property he inherited from his grandfather. He did not inform the parents and sought the property agency’s help.

According to the SCMP article, the 18-year-old agreed to sell it for $72,000, and the property agent then sold it to another agent for a profit.

When Xiaohua’s mother discovered the transaction, she approached the property brokers and asked them to rescind it. When they refused, the parents went to court.

The judge was taken aback by Xiaohua’s juvenile behavior.

The judge then studied the sale deed and listened to the teenager’s interaction with the property agents. It was determined that the youngster was uninformed of the property’s market value and that the real estate agent tricked him into selling it at a considerably lower price.

“Xiaowu (the name of the property dealer) took advantage of Xiaohua,” the judge said, as per the SCMP report.

The court overturned the deal and awarded ownership of the property to Xiaohua.

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