Chinese influencer, Huang, aged 27, becomes the second to pass away from alcohol binge drinking. Brother Huang, also known as Zhong Yuan Huang Ge, passed away on June 2nd from excessive alcohol consumption when he was live-streaming a drinking challenge. Jimu News, a Chinese news outlet, cites Huang’s wife as saying that the demise has been verified. The influencer was trying make money to pay off his debts.
A live streamer by the name of Brother Three Thousand was discovered dead just last month, not long after bingeing on booze on China’s alternative to TikTok, the Douyin app. According to accounts in Chinese media, the 34-year-old drank at least seven bottles of baijiu spirits during a broadcast. Brother Three Thousand, whose real name was Wang, was discovered dead 12 hours after the broadcast on May 16.
Baijiu spirits, a strong, colorless liquor with an alcohol concentration ranging from 35% to 60%, was also consumed in huge amounts by Huang. Huang is shown in one video, according to Strait Times, lighting a piece of tissue paper that has been dipped in booze before quickly downing half a bottle of baijiu. He also ate a few onions, finished the remaining liquor, and cracked open a new bottle. In another, he displayed to his fans a stack of many bottles of baijiu, according to the Daily Times.
According to his wife, Huang owed hundreds of thousands of yuan in debt. That debt dates back to before his marriage. He was attempting to make money through live-streaming in order to pay this back.
Numerous live streamers attempt to obtain financial “gifts” from their viewers by pulling antics
Two of the most recent casualties of China’s live-streaming sector are Wang and Huang. Numerous live streamers attempt to obtain financial “gifts” from their viewers by pulling antics. A female influencer passed away in 2021 as a result of her fans pressuring her to consume pesticides. The influencer, named Luo, was a native of Hunan, China. According to Asia One, she published a video to Douyin on October 14, 2023, stating that it was “probably (her) last video.” Luo allegedly informed them that her depression diagnosis had been confirmed and thanked them for their company and encouragement.
Her fans caught sight of a nearby pesticide bottle as she was live streaming. Some of them began encouraging her to consume the substance, writing things like, “Quickly drink it,” “Drink it if you want to,” and “The bottle doesn’t contain urine, right?” After finishing the entire bottle, Luo declares to her fans, “I’ve finished it.” By the time the live stream was over, it was clear that she was uncomfortable. Later, she passed away at a hospital. A 35-year-old Chinese influencer named Sun passed away in 2019 after ingesting live insects and geckos while participating in a live stream.