In an unexpected incident in Chile, an employee accidentally gets paid 286 times the original salary. Yes, you read it right. Not twice or thrice the original amount but 286 times.
Since then, the man has resigned from the company and has disapreared with the money. The firm has filed a case against him. The incident is from the Consorcio Industrial de Alimentos (Cial), one of the largest producers of cold cuts in Chile.
The company accidentally paid the employee 165,398,851 Chilean pesos ($1,78,630), instead of the 500,000 pesos ($540) he was entitled to. The man’s resignation and subsequent disappearance “leave the company no choice but to go to a lawyer and try to recover the losses,” the company said.
Firm to take legal action to take back additional salary amount

The excess money was subsequently requested back from the employee. He supposedly promised to visit his bank to collect the return. However, when the firm did not retrieve a refund notification from the bank, they attempted to contact the employee. Unfortunately, there was no response from the employee’s side.