Canada to allow family members of Open Work Permit holders to take up jobs

The Canadian government is going to allow family members of people with open work permits to take up jobs. Here’s more on the recent updates.

Open Work Permit holders’ family members allowed to work in Canada

On Friday, Sean Fraser announced the department is extending work permits to family members of Open Work Permit (OWP) holders from next year. The OWP allows foreigners to work in the country. Fraser is the Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship. “Canada is expanding work permits for family members! Starting in 2023, spouses and children of a principal applicant will be eligible to work in Canada,” tweeted Fraser.

“Expanding the eligibility for work permits to family members accompanying the principal applicant to Canada will help address labor shortages by assisting employers in finding the workers they need. Employers across the country continue to identify a lack of workers as their biggest obstacle,” he added in a statement to the press. The move is hoped to help in addressing the acute labor shortages in Canada.

More on the announcement

Before the announcement, spouses were eligible for a work permit only if the principal applicant was in a high-skill occupation. Canada is going to expand the work eligibility to spouses and all working-age children of people with open work permits. Additionally, the temporary two-year measure starting January 2023 is aiming to improve physical health, financial stability, and well-being. Moreover, the new measure is being implemented in three phases for ensuring a successful implementation.

“As a result of this new approach, it is estimated that family members of more than 200,000 foreign workers could begin working in Canada. Hence offering a greater opportunity for both foreign workers seeking to work in Canada and for employers addressing their labor needs,” reads the statement.

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