California nurse removed from Southwest Airlines flight due to her skin condition

California nurse removed from Southwest Airlines flight due to her skin condition

Allegations of unfair treatment

Brianna Solari, a nurse from Roseville, California, claims she was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight due to her skin condition following surgery. Solari, who has neurofibromatosis, alleges that a crew member asked her to leave the plane, citing concerns over her appearance.

Details of the incident

Solari, who had traveled to Los Angeles for surgery, was on Southwest Flight 3471 to return home. Upon boarding, she was questioned about her medical condition. “I lack an enzyme, which is neurofibromin, which is a tumor suppressor,” Solari told the media. “So tumors grow along nerves and can be tiny, little pinpoint tumors, or they can be enormous. Some of them can be very disfiguring.” Despite explaining her surgery, staff insisted on contacting a contracted doctor but refused her request to speak directly with the physician.

Feeling humiliated, Solari described her emotional ordeal: “It’s already hard enough. I had visible tumors on my face and arms, and people would comment.” Missing her flight, she had to obtain a letter from her surgeon to rebook. “I don’t think I’ll ever fly with them again,” she stated, criticizing the airline’s handling of the situation.

Airline’s apology and Solari’s response

A Southwest Airlines spokesperson expressed regret over the incident, stating, “We are disheartened to learn of the customer’s experience and extend our deepest apologies.” The airline rebooked her on a later flight, offering a $500 flight voucher and a $45 meal voucher. However, Solari is considering legal action, asserting, “This is absolutely discrimination! They shouldn’t be prying into my private medical information.”

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