Breezy Explainer: Was the deadly Turkiye and Syria earthquake predicted days ago?

Breezy Explainer: Was the deadly Turkiye and Syria earthquake predicted days ago?

One of the deadliest in the country’s history, the earthquake in Turkiye claimed more than 2,000 lives and is anticipated to claim more.

Was the earthquake foreseen, though?

According to Frank Hoogerbeets, a researcher with the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS), which investigates seismic activity predicted, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake will eventually occur in the area surrounding South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

He also included a map in his post, highlighting potential impact zones. The viral nature of the Twitter post has utterly shocked online users. In his bio on the micro-blogging site, Hoogerbeets has written that he is a “researcher with the Solar System Geometry Survey, a research institute for monitoring geometry between celestial bodies related to seismic activity”. 

The disaster-stricken nation is receiving aid from the international community

After Turkiye’s earthquake, he tweeted that his heart goes out to “everyone affected by the major earthquake in Central Turkey”. “As I stated earlier, sooner or later this would happen in this region, similar to the years 115 and 526. These earthquakes are always preceded by critical planetary geometry, as we had on 4-5 Feb,” he wrote. 

The disaster-stricken nation is receiving aid from the international community. Many nations have offered to send help and rescue personnel. ( The greatest earthquake to hit Turkey since 1939, according to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, but he added that authorities were doing everything they could. “Everyone is putting their heart and soul into efforts although the winter season, cold weather, and the earthquake happening during the night makes things more difficult,” he said. 

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