Brazil: ‘Dead’ baby found alive at funeral, grabs mourner’s finger

Brazil: 'Dead' baby found alive at funeral, grabs mourner's finger before passing again

A Brazilian tragedy has sparked widespread concern about medical oversight

In a tragic and deeply unsettling turn of events in Santa Catarina, Brazil, mourners attending the funeral of an eight-month-old girl were stunned to discover the infant was still alive—hours after she had been declared dead by medical professionals.

The incident occurred on October 19 when baby Kiara Crislayne de Moura dos Santos, pronounced deceased earlier that day, was found moving inside her coffin, sparking a wave of horror and fleeting hope.

Kiara’s death had been confirmed at the Faustino Riscarolli Hospital Foundation, located in Correia Pinto. Her body was handed over to funeral director Aureo Arruda Ramos just two hours after the official declaration. Preparations for her funeral began swiftly, and by 7 PM, just 16 hours after the grim pronouncement, her family and friends had gathered to mourn her untimely passing.

However, the solemn service took a startling turn when attendees noticed movement from the coffin. A mourner reported that when they touched the infant’s hand, Kiara responded by tightly gripping their fingers—a moment that briefly shattered the grief-stricken silence. A pharmacist at the funeral recognized that the baby was still breathing and quickly alerted emergency medical personnel.

Paramedics confirm life but hope quickly fades

Upon their arrival, paramedics confirmed that Kiara still had a faint pulse and oxygen saturation of 84%, indicating that her body was still struggling to survive. Notably, they observed the absence of rigor mortis, which typically begins six to eight hours after death, further suggesting that she had not passed when initially declared.

In a race against time, the infant was rushed back to the hospital. Sadly, hope was dashed once more when, after a brief period, Kiara was declared dead for a second time, leaving her family devastated beyond words.

Her father, Cristiano Santos, expressed the emotional rollercoaster the family endured: “We were devastated already. Then there came a little bit of hope, but then this ended up happening,” he shared with local reporters.

Medical oversight under investigation

The shocking mishap has ignited widespread outrage and prompted an investigation by Brazil’s Scientific Police, who are examining how the hospital could have mistakenly pronounced the child dead. Nationwide scrutiny has focused on the protocols in place at the hospital and whether any negligence played a role in the tragic incident.

Local authorities have pledged a thorough investigation into the situation. Correia Pinto City Hall has promised to release a full report on the matter within 30 days, aiming to bring clarity to a grieving family and ensure that such errors are never repeated.

“The Municipality of Correia Pinto reiterates its commitment to provide the best care for all citizens,” a city hall representative stated. “Under no circumstances can any professional issue certificates or statements without proper authentication of the patient’s condition. All health professionals are constantly oriented and trained, ensuring that people’s lives and well-being are always the priority.”

The tragic story of Kiara Crislayne de Moura dos Santos has gripped Brazil, leaving the public demanding answers and accountability. While Kiara’s family mourns the loss of their beloved daughter twice over, the nation awaits the findings of the investigation with a somber hope that such a heartbreaking mistake will never be made again.

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