Biden’s political future clouded by classified document probe

President Joe Biden began the new year with rising approval ratings and slowing inflation. However, with the classified document probe, his political future looks clouded. Read to know more.

Document probe makes re-election a tricky spot for Biden

President Biden’s political future treaded on uncertainty following the appointment of a special counsel for investigating his handling of classified files by Attorney General Merrick Garland. Democrats are also acknowledging the situation as a distraction at a very mad time. “On many political fronts, Biden’s touted 2024 campaign is potentially vulnerable. Democrats and the country as a whole would be much better off this year and next if he’s not running for president,” stated Norman Soloman. Soloman is a progressive Democrat leading the so-called Don’t Run Joe campaign.

On Thursday, President Biden told reporters he was “fully and completely with the Justice Department’s review”. “People know I take classified documents and classified material seriously. My Corvette’s in a locked garage,” he stated.

Differences between the probe against Biden and Trump

At the same time, former President Trump is also facing a special counsel and is under a criminal investigation by the feds for his handling of classified files. However, it is very different from President Biden’s situation. The most notable being the lack of suggestion of Biden purposefully trying to prevent the turning over of the files. Additionally, he may not have been aware of their presence. However, Thursday’s counsel thrusts uncertainty over the president. It may also force Democrats to start debating about his second term. “No one’s going to say this is helpful. It’s pretty evident that’s not the case,” stated James Carville. Carville is a veteran Democratic strategist.

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