Arizona man shockingly granted Irish citizenship after DNA test revelation

Arizona man shockingly granted Irish citizenship after DNA test revelation

Discovery of Irish Ancestry

John Portmann, an Arizona native, recently became one of the first individuals to receive an Irish passport based solely on a DNA test. Born in Phoenix in 1963, Portmann’s life took a remarkable turn when a DNA test revealed that his ancestry is 100% Irish.


As an infant, Portmann was taken into the care of the Sisters of Mercy nuns in Phoenix and later adopted. For most of his life, he avoided learning about his birth parents. However, a few years ago, his adoptive sister persuaded him to take a DNA test.

Portmann recounted, “I waited about two months for the DNA test results. When I received the email, I was out for dinner. The content was confusing, but one line said, ‘You are 100% Irish.’ I thought it must be a mistake because I didn’t feel Irish.”

Confirmation and curiosity

Seeking clarity, Portmann consulted the DNA expert, who confirmed the results were accurate. This revelation sparked a deep curiosity about his Irish heritage and biological parents. “All of a sudden, it was impossible to keep thoughts about them out of my head. I thought about them night and day,” Portmann said.


Portmann believes he is the first person to be granted Irish citizenship purely based on DNA evidence. He expressed his delight, saying, “The Irish passport is quite special. It’s the only one that gives you privileges not only in the EU but also in the UK.”

Through the DNA website, he connected with a cousin, discovering their biological fathers were brothers. He also learned more about his family’s history, including the sad truth that his mother, who passed away in 2019, likely carried great shame about his birth.

Emotional reunion

Portmann managed to contact his mother’s widower, who knew about him and had informed his daughters. One daughter revealed that their mother, aware she was dying, had given a picture of Portmann to be buried with her.

“It’s a nice feeling to know that my mother never forgot me,” Portmann reflected. “It is wonderful to know that she did think about me, despite the distance and time apart.”


This extraordinary journey, sparked by a simple DNA test, has not only connected Portmann with his heritage but also provided a poignant closure to his lifelong quest for identity.

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