Olympic legends: Dhyan Chand, a hockey genius who rejected Hitler’s offer to join the German Army

When Hitler met Dhyan Chand

When Hitler met Dhyan Chand

Dhyan Chand

Dhyan Chand scored over 400 goals and led India to the peak of the Olympics three times. Chand displayed a great deal of control and mastery over the game. Moreover, several authorities across the globe broken open his hockey stick to check for magnets inside. His birth anniversary, August 29, is celebrated as National Sports Day across India.

National Sports Day in honor of the wizard of hockey

Several sporting events are hosted across the country on August 29. The celebration takes place in honor of Dhyan Chand, a legend in the field of hockey. Moreover, the Indian President gives the prestigious Arjuna, Dronacharya, and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awards on this day.

All about Dhyan Chand and his career

Chand was born in 1905 and enlisted into the Indian Army at the age of 17. He soon started playing hockey for the Armed Forces. His superior dribbling skills got him a spot in the Indian Army team when she was merely 20. Additionally, his team was a part of the 1926 New Zealand tour, where India won 18 out of 21 matches, lost one, and ended the other two in draws. His excellent execution earned him the promotion of Lance Naik.

Chand is the force behind India taking home the Olympic medals in 1928, 1932, and 1936. He along and his brother Roop Singh was dubbed as the ‘hockey twins’.

When Hitler met Dhyan Chand

India’s hockey team suffered an early loss in a warm-up match held before the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. However, the Hockey Wizard made some quick changes to the square and, India was back on a winning spree. They proceeded to win against Japan, the USA, Hungary, and France with a 9-0, 7-0, 4-0, and 10-0 respectively.

The finals of the 1936 games were an anticipating game against the German hockey team. Adolf Hitler was one of the viewers supporting their team. Chand was aggressively marked by the German team and lost a tooth during the tackle. However, the Indian team improvised by playing barefoot as they unleashed hell on the German team.

Dhyan Chand scored a hat-trick and the Indian team won with an 8-1. The Indian hockey team only conceded one goal throughout the series. Hitler was very upset and left the stadium before the game ended. However, he returned the next day and offered Dhyan Chand a space in the German Army during the medal ceremony. But, Chand refused. Additionally, the Indian contingent did not do the customary Nazi Salute to Hitler during the opening ceremony of the games.

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