Alex Jones concedes Sandy Hook attack was ‘100% real’

Alex Jones concedes Sandy Hook attack was '100% real'

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones testified stating it was irresponsible of him for declaring the massacre at Sandy Hook as a hoax. He added that he now believes it is “100% real”. Here’s everything you need to know.

Alex Jones: Sandy Hook attack is “100% real”

Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist on Wednesday testified after understanding his previous action was irresponsible. Additionally, he is the host of Infowars.

“Especially since I’ve met the parents. It’s 100% real,” stated Jones. In the Texas courtroom, the parents testified about the suffering, harassment, and death threats they endured after what Jones shared on social media.

At his trial, Jones revealed his determination on how much he and Free Speech Systems, his media company owe for slandering Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis. Jesse Lewis, their son was one of the 20 students and six teachers who were killed in the Sandy Hook attack in Newtown, Connecticut. The massacre was one of the deadliest school shootings in US history. However, the parents added that a mere apology does not make up for the suffering. They believe Jones must be held accountable for spreadings falsehood about the attack and are seeking $150 million.

More on the testimony

Jones is testifying for his defense and his attorney also asked if he understands that pushing false claims was “absolutely irresponsible”. Additionally, Jones was pushing claims that the attack did not happen and that no one died. “They (the media) won’t let me take it back,” stated Jones. He added that he has been “typecast as someone that runs around talking about Sandy Hook, makes money off Sandy Hook, is obsessed by Sandy Hook”. Jesse’s parents are among several other families who filed lawsuits alleging the hoax claims led to years of abuse. The testimony came following Lewis and Heslin’s description in the Austin court of the “living hell”. Filled with harassment, death threats, and online abuse they faced. Earlier in the day, on his broadcast program, Jones was narrating to his audience that Heslin is “slow”. And being exploited by “bad people”.

“I am a mother first and foremost and I know you are a father. My son existed. I am not deep state. I know you know that. And yet you’re going to leave this courthouse and say it again on your show,” asked Lewis to Jones. Heslin added that while he does not know if the conspiracy began with Jones. However, he was instrumental in lighting “the match and started the fire”. “Today is very important to me and it’s been a long time coming … to face Alex Jones for what he said and did to me. To restore the honor and legacy of my son,” he added.

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