In a charming display of camaraderie, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama celebrated Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s 48th birthday with a heartfelt gesture during the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday. The event took a personal turn when Rama presented Meloni with a beautifully designed scarf, kneeling to serenade her with the traditional birthday song, “tanti auguri.”
A gift with cultural significance
The scarf, a lightweight creation from an Italian designer who has made Albania her home, symbolizes the deepening cultural ties between the two nations. Despite their political differences—Meloni leads the right-wing Brothers of Italy while Rama heads Albania’s Socialist Party—the two leaders have fostered a productive working relationship. This was exemplified last year when they reached an agreement to redirect some migrants rescued at sea by Italy to detention centers in Albania. However, those centers are currently inactive due to legal challenges.
Strengthening ties at the summit
The World Future Energy Summit provided a fitting backdrop for this significant interaction. During the summit, Italy, Albania, and the United Arab Emirates signed a groundbreaking deal valued at over 1 billion euros ($1 billion) to develop a subsea interconnection for renewable energy across the Adriatic Sea. This ambitious project aims to promote sustainable energy solutions and reduce carbon emissions in the region.
As both leaders continue to collaborate on pressing issues, their partnership is poised to enhance cooperation and understanding between their countries. Rama’s thoughtful birthday gesture celebrated Meloni’s special day and underscored the potential for unity and collaboration in addressing shared challenges.