A new TikTok trend busts vasectomy myths amid abortion rights fight

A new TikTok trend is helping bust vasectomy myths. The demand for the contraception method saw a rise following the SC’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last year.

Busting vasectomy myths, the newest TikTok trend

A new TikTok trend is helping in dispelling vasectomy myths. The demand for the contraception procedure has been on the rise since the Supreme Court overturned the historic Roe v. Wade judgment last year. The trend is trying correct myths surrounding its effect on libido and the production of hormones. Videos by several TikTokers are also promoting procedure as a way for men to stand in solidary with the jeopardy of women’s reproductive rights.

The 1973 Roe v. Wade was a landmark SC court case establishing the constitutional right to safe and legal access to abortion. It was brought by Norma McCorvey, known as “Jane Roe” who challenged a Texas law criminalizing most abortions. In June 2022, the rule was overturned with a 6-3 decision stating the US Constitution doe snot provide a right to end pregnancies. It was then left to the states to decide, sparking widespread debates and protests.

More on the procedure

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that helps in achieving permanent contraception in men by cutting or blocking the vas deferens. Vas deferens are tubes carrying sperm from the testicles to the urethra. Once blocked or cut, sperm does not mix with semen, making it a highly effective long-term method of birth control. Moreover, it’s a highly safe and effective method of contraception with under one percent of failure rate. However, experts suggest it to individuals who are sure they do not want to father children.

While the new trend is helping in fighting vasectomy myths, experts are cautioning that the platform can be full of unqualified influencers peddling misinformation. For example, some videos on the matter falsely share that the procedure is completely reversible. Hence, it is important to believe evidence-based information. People can largely confuse fame on TikTok with expertise.

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