Sheep have a reputation for following their herd members mindlessly and without hesitation. Many farmers will tell you that all it takes to get the herd to move in the right direction is gently pushing the sheep in the front. However, this tendency must have a limit, right? A sheep can merely feel too worn out to follow the herd, or something similar. But it seems that the deeply ingrained propensity of animals to follow those in advance is so strong that it causes sheep to overlook requirements like food and water.
For ten days in a row, sheep were seen moving in circles! The perplexing episode was captured on CCTV equipment placed inside the pen.
The strange event took place on a farm in China‘s Inner Mongolia. Ms. Miao’s sheep appeared equipped with supercharged batteries as they continued to circle for almost two weeks. People’s Daily China covered the story, and the video was uploaded online.
The sheep can be seen in the video moving in an infinite circle. Some of them seem to be stopping mid-marathon and standing in the center of the circle looking lost. However, they quickly become a part of the team effort that never stops as if there is no tomorrow.