102-year-old COVID-19 survivor cheats death for the second time

Nikolai Bagayev

Nikolai Bagayev

Nikolai Bagayev

Meet Nikolai Bagayev, a COVID-19 survivor and Russian veteran from the Second World War who recovered from COVID-19. Bagayev cheated death for the second time in his life. However, this time the enemy was not German troops invading the Soviet Union.

Who is Nikolai Bagayev?

Nikolai Bagayev, aged 102 is a war veteran from WWII. He tested positive for coronavirus and suffered 80 percent lung damage. Bagayev got treatment in a hospital in Korolyov, a town near Moscow. Luckily, after a week of treatment in the intensive care and almost a month-long treatment in the hospital, and discharged on Thursday.

He is one of the new remaining war veterans revered in Russia and played a huge role in defeating Nazi Germany. Additionally, Bagayev was a part of Russia’s annual victory parade alongside President Vladimir Putin. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in reserve last year. Moreover, once the war ended, Bagayev worked in Kazakhstan. He also played a major role in building the cosmodrome at Baikonur that sent Yuri Gagarin, the first man into space.

Words from the COVID-19 survivor

“The last time I faced death was in 1941. Back then, my right lung was injured during the battle for Moscow. But I was rather young at the time and managed to recover promptly,” said Bagayev. “This time around, I was largely supported by doctors despite several instances where I was on the verge of losing hope and courage. I am extremely thankful to all of them,” he added

The hospital staff wheeled him out of the hospital in his military uniform adorned with all his medals. “He is a real trooper, he kept remembering his war-time wound and hardships in the battle of Moscow and those memories helped him during his time in hospital,” said Valentina Rakitskaya, the veteran’s doctor.

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