President Joe Biden completed 100 days of his presidency on Friday. 100 days of Biden since he was sworn in and vowed to change the course of the USA. Biden set a huge number of objectives to accomplish within his first months in office. There isn’t anything in U.S. law specifying what he should accomplish within 100 days. but, presidents, Congress, and the media have viewed the initial 100 days of office as a benchmark of progress. It is to establish the vibe of the country’s needs and to pass judgment on its prosperity up until now.
Biden went to Georgia to stamp his 100th day in office, the state that swung his way in the presidential election and elected two Democratic senators.
100 days of President Joe Biden: Hits
Coronavirus Vaccination
The global pandemic was the gravest single danger confronting Biden’s administration when he took over on January 20, 2021. The challenge ahead was mass immunizations. On this, Biden faired quite well. A week ago he praised the 200th million immunization shot directed and Covid cases have fallen significantly.
Economic stimulus
Biden pushed through an almost $2 trillion salvage plan for the economy. Which was tottered by the more than a year-long COVID shutdown.
Foreign policy
Biden welcomed Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga as the first foreign leader to the White House. It shows that Washington is serious about its relationship with Asia. The White House said Biden’s own first foreign outing will be to Europe. He will go to G7, NATO, and EU summits in June. The international coalition, which Trump questioned, is now back.
The Paris climate accord has returned. The United States is looking to resuscitate the Iranian nuclear negotiations. Biden has also set a date for pulling the last US soldier out of Afghanistan: September 11.
100 days of President Joe Biden: Misses
Working with Congress
Biden guaranteed bipartisanship. However, so far he has been working on a very thin Democratic majority. That raises many questions over his forthcoming enormous tasks. An infrastructure bill, the greening of the economy, police brutality, and immigration. The midterm election, next year could eliminate the Democrats’ advantage in Congress.
Biden’s administration faced a lot of difficulties in handling the illegal immigrants at the southern border. Biden promised to be considerate, after Trump’s hardline crackdown on illegal immigrants. The administration’s u-turns on promises to greatly increase the cap on refugees allowed into the United States have fueled the chaos.