Zodiac Signs that are likely to be overthinkers


Virgos and their thinking prowess need no introduction. Classic analyzers, Virgos tend to take overthinking to another level, Virgos tend to find perfection in every little detail and won't stop until they get it, they also tend to be extremely self-critical of themselves, so they are also one of the top signs who drive themselves to burnout.


The sign is famous for its duality - and this prominent personality trait makes them susceptible to overthinking and overanalyzing things. This overthinking trait of Geminis can get them caught in the middle of decision-making,  One moment everything seems fine and before you know it, you'll find them digressing over the nitty-gritty and small trivialities.


Capricorns feel constantly occupied thinking about how things could have been, only if something had happened differently, Deep inside, Capricorns know that they often set unrealistic expectations, yet overachieving and overthinking remain their priority. This tends to stress them out and ignore the other real aspects and even compromise their health along the way.


Pisceans are classic thinkers but they do tend to push it up to the extremes, often indulging in irrational thinking which works them up, extremely self-critical and judgemental about their selves, Pisceans tend to get spaced out and indulge in overthinking.


Librans are thought to be the best judges of all zodiac signs. While this seems like good quality, for Librans, judgment and analysis make them review and re-review things and situations, weighing the pros and cons of every little thing, argument or issue before concluding. They are also pessimists and tend to overthink a lot, which makes it difficult for them to make up their minds. It can be hard to predict what mood a Libran is in.