Yoga for Headache and Migraine Relief

Child’s Pose

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Get onto your hands and knees and, keeping your feet together, widen your knees to the sides of your body. Reach your arms forward on the mat and simultaneously rest your forehead on the mat and extend your hips to the mat behind you

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Forward Fold

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In this yoga pose for headaches, stand tall with your feet hips-width apart and bend at the hips to extend the crown of your head straight down toward the floor. Soften your knees to increase the stretch, and keep your heels flat on the mat.

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Supine Twist

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Lie on your back on a mat, and draw your knees to your chest and lower your legs to one side. Keeping your hips stacked, one side over the other, stretch your arms straight out to the sides of the mat with your palms facing up.

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Legs Up the Wall

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Lie on your back with your buttocks against a wall. Extend your legs up against the side of the wall. Relax your upper body with your arms next to your torso, palms facing up

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Supine Chest and Shoulder Stretch

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Place a bolster or a rolled-up towel on the mat and lie down, face up, so that it supports the length of your spine.